Home safety visits
We work closely with our communities to prevent fires. We offer two fire safety services to people who live in Devon and Somerset.
Our online home fire safety check takes around 15 minutes and is a convenient way to help you look at areas of your home and provides tailored fire safety advice.
We also offer home safety visits for the most at-risk members of our community. We will come and visit your home at a convenient time to see what we can do together to make you safer.

Online home safety check
Our online home safety check is a tool you can use in your own time when it is convenient to you. The questions will give you areas to check and advice to follow. If necessary, it will also refer you for a full in-person home fire safety visit.
Home fire safety visits
We will arrange for one of our friendly staff to visit you and have a conversation about fire safety in your home.
The visit usually takes around 45 minutes and covers:
- checking smoke alarms are set up correctly
- making a fire escape plan
- electrics and charging safely
- cooking safely
- heaters and heating
- bedtime checks
- identifying and discussing any further support, and may include fitting specialist fire safety equipment where required.
Any equipment fitted will be assessed on a case by case basis. Read more about our provision of equipment.
We can provide British Sign Language and some foreign language translations during visits too. Please ask about this when booking.
Who is eligible
Not everyone needs an in-person visit from us. We direct people to our online home safety check first, which assesses the level of risk in a household through a series of questions. We offer an in-person home fire safety visit to those who are more at risk of fire. We also work closely with our partners to help us to identify those most at risk.
If you are not sure if you are eligible, please use our online home safety check tool to assess your risk and we'll offer the right service for your needs.
Time slots available
We carry out home safety visits from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 9am to 5pm.
You will be offered a morning slot (a visit between 9.30am and 1pm) or an afternoon slot (a visit between 1pm and 5pm).
We try not to offer specific times, so that our team can plan their day in the most effective way. This can be discussed further when you book a visit.
What to expect
Our video shows you what to expect on a typical home safety visit.
Why have a home fire safety visit?
Many fires in the home are preventable. Our friendly home fire safety team will work with you to protect you in your home and give you simple ways to help keep you and your family safe from fire.

Verifying it's us
If you have any concerns about the identity of someone visiting you, then please give us a call on 0800 05 02 999 and we'll be happy to help.

Book a home safety visit now
To request a free home safety visit, please call 0800 05 02 999 or complete our online referral form. The form takes just three minutes to complete.
We take every precaution to keep our staff and communities safe. If you are worried about coronavirus and want our staff to wear gloves and a face covering, please let them know on the day or contact our home safety team in advance on 0800 05 02 999.